Violin Masterclass – Pavel Vernikov

Home / News / Violin Masterclass – Pavel Vernikov

3 June 2016

3/4 June 2016

Pavel Vernikov in Rome on 3 and 4 June. The great Russian violin school also opens to talented children and the ‘passionate’ public

For the first time, the famous maestro Pavel Vernikov will hold a Masterclass at the Accademia di musica Sincronìa, in via Aldrovandi 16 in Rome on 3 and 4 June, dedicated not only to students graduating from the Conservatory, but also to the most promising young students. of the school. And, again for the first time, Vernikov will also allow audiences who are passionate about music and culture to attend his lessons, paying a fee of 15 euros in support of the Sincronìa Cultural Association.

This appointment is part of the calendar of public events that the Sincronia Association, in its first year of life, organizes alongside the advanced specialization courses in violin and composition. So not only musical events, but also conferences, essays, concerts and shows, creating at Parioli, in the heart of Rome, a place of confrontation between classical and modern music, a moment of encounter with different arts such as painting, literature and cinema. The aim is to promote and enhance the dissemination of musical culture, to educate in the harmony and beauty of art to counter the flattening of globalization.

For this reason the Academy, founded by the Artistic Director Barbara Agostinelli professor of violin in the orchestra of the Opera Theater, has as teachers among the best musicians and composers of the Italian and international scene: masters such as Francesco Manara and Carlo Maria Parazzoli, composers such as Ezio Bosso, violinists of the caliber of Pavel Vernikov, heir to the Moscow violin school, the one that synthesized and completed all the other violin schools, from the Italian to the Franco-Belgian one, Vernikov carries out an intense concert activity as a soloist, in duo and with the Tchaikovsky Trio, he plays in the most important concert halls in America and Europe. He holds master classes at the Fiesole Music School and the Kuhmo Violin School in Finland and is a lecturer at the University of Vienna. He plays a 1747 Gianbattista Guadagnini violin.

During the two-day internship at the Sincronia headquarters, the great Russian artist will give each member 2 lessons. To participate in the course it is necessary to pay 300 euros, including the registration fee and the accompanying pianist.

The Sincronia school will remain open on June 3rd from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 6pm. On June 4 from 9am to 2pm. Applications for registration and to attend lessons should be sent to: